I have a lowbie cat that let me hit 2 claws super fast, like a half second in between. Does your tool only do those too, or does it alter all GCD's, like the random 2000ms GCD abilities and possibly others? It is worth it to modify rogue/cat GCDs because, like I mentioned earlier, the server-sided GCD is something like 400ms less than the client-side GCD. I only did the 2 big ones to alter, 1500ms and 1000ms GCDs. Just a question: I managed to follow the guide on Deathsoft, and got to modifying GCD of abilities to non-zeo amounts. Higher GCD values (~1300+) should be safe enough against 'GCD Hack Tracker Addon'. If you dont like java (or it just does not work for you) you can apply patch manually (MPQs are simply zipped). You can choose your own GCD value (range is 900ms->1450ms with 50ms steps). WoW My GCD 3.3.5 - 3.3.5a (WoW: WotLK global cooldown reducer) Because there are already addons used to detect GCD hack on retail i made another version of called 'WoWMyGCD'.